Thursday 3 November 2011

Reading for Sunday, Movember 6th: 1 Samuel 8, 16; 2 Samuel 7, 11; Psalm 105

Hey there!
This week we are being introduced to Samuel, one of the God's prophets to the people of Israel. Although prophets have most often been identified as people who received words from God regarding the future, their most important function was to act as God's 'mouthpiece' to the people. They would constantly call the people back to faithfulness and intimacy with God after they walk away from him or turn their backs on him.

The Psalm listed is basically a summary of what we've read up to this point. If you've missed any of the last few week's, this week's is a great place to jump in and still be in the middle of where we're going!

If you need a Bible or are interested in something a little more familiar to read, a good tool to use for different translations of the Bible is  If you'd like to read it more like a free flowing story, checking out the New Living Translation or The Message are a good place to go.

Hope you're having a great week, praying for you,

1 comment:

  1. So in this week’s reading I find it interesting that the people were asking for a king. I also can’t believe that they were told what would happen if there was a king appointed, and still wanted one. Maybe its easier for me to see that a king would mean disaster for the people because I know what is going to happen where as the people were warned but didn’t know that it would actually happen.
    I also like how God did not chose that oldest, strongest son from Jesse; rather e took the youngest son and anointed him king. 1 Samuel 16:7 says that, “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” This is one of my favourite verses because it is so true. As humans we tend to look at the outward appearance of man instead of the heart. We judge people by what they wear, look like, how smart they are, etc when we should be looking at how good of a person they are. I think that this is an important lesson to learn because I know personally that I’ve judge someone on their appearance rather than their character. I didn’t really want to be friends with them because they were different but the more I hung out with them I realized they were actually really amazing people.
    I find it interesting how David being the good king slips in 2 Samuel 11. He committed a crime by having Bathsheba’s husband "accidentally" killed just so he could have Bathsheba. This shows that even the best of the best are not perfect and that all humans make mistakes and that’s why we need Jesus as our Savior so our sins can be forgiven.
    I think Psalm 105 is a very good chapter and I think we should give praise to the Lord and spread is word. I find that this Psalm is a very inspirational Psalms and a good reminder of how Great and powerful our God is.
