Thursday 3 November 2011

Reading for Sunday, Movember 6th: 1 Samuel 8, 16; 2 Samuel 7, 11; Psalm 105

Hey there!
This week we are being introduced to Samuel, one of the God's prophets to the people of Israel. Although prophets have most often been identified as people who received words from God regarding the future, their most important function was to act as God's 'mouthpiece' to the people. They would constantly call the people back to faithfulness and intimacy with God after they walk away from him or turn their backs on him.

The Psalm listed is basically a summary of what we've read up to this point. If you've missed any of the last few week's, this week's is a great place to jump in and still be in the middle of where we're going!

If you need a Bible or are interested in something a little more familiar to read, a good tool to use for different translations of the Bible is  If you'd like to read it more like a free flowing story, checking out the New Living Translation or The Message are a good place to go.

Hope you're having a great week, praying for you,